Silly Seedlings Drop-ins

From: $20.00

Can’t commit to six weeks? Drop in! Class held Saturday mornings from 9/30-11/11 (no class 10/14)
Time: 10am-11am
Location: Knightsville Coffee and Cones, Summerville SC
Cost: $20 per family per class
(If you sign up for all six classes you get on free! Visit the classes page to see!)

Can’t commit  to all six weeks? Drop in!

Saturdays from 9/30 through 11/11 (no class 10/14)

Class meets from 10am-11am

Class will be held outdoors at Knightsville Coffee and Cones, Summerville SC

Elements of class are as follows:

  • Roll call, payment collection, name tag distribution.
  • Short exploration to class circle.
  • Music class!

Be sure to enter an accurate email address and save [email protected] to your contacts so you can be easily notified of any potential change in class.

$20 per family per class

(If you sign up for all six classes you get on free! Visit the classes page to see!)

In the event that there is a heavy storm there will be two allotted make up classes on the following Mondays.

By registering for class you have confirmed to have read through the “about class” page where details for classes are explained. 


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